Sunday, November 30, 2008

Omniscience, Opponents, & Oreos

1. I'm reminded today more than once that God knows all and is in the business of using His knowlege for benefits we don't always understand at the time. Maybe we see the outcomes immediately...but sometimes we have to wait for it. Either way, when we wait on Him, we're a blessed people.

2. I love playing games with my children. They make the best opponents. SkipBo and Sorry are games of choice at this moment in their lives. Reminds me of times spent with my favorite opponent - my Dad.

3. 'Tis the season for me to make some Oreo Balls. If you haven't had them before, you're missing out. I can't wait to get the stuff and make them for the Holiday festivities. It's traditionally something I bring to Christmas gatherings. MMMM MMMM MMMM!!!

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